Real GeMusic Portal: Enter The Sun
Enter The Sun is a sonic-light-encoded musical transmission portal of the Light of HOPE, birthed from the seed of FAITH, shared by way of GODs grace, mercy and redemption upon our souls, for the betterment of ourselves and ALL others. In the spirit of humility, forgiveness, compassion and gratitude, GOD has allowed us to be the flagship REAL (Radiant Empowered Activation Light) GEM (Galactic Earth Music) Portal of UFO: A band of servant-ministers guided by Joel Jadus, based in St Petersburg, FL. Our purpose and mission is to utilize the healing, transformative, activating and creative power of Galactic Earth Music in order to initiate and activate individuals and communities to co-create collective UFO Churches & HEART-Center Portals to Happiness, Love & Harmony. Enter The Sun has been gratefully receiving and sharing the transformative transmission of Unity&Freedom for over 13 years locally and at various music festivals and community gatherings.

About Joel Jadus
Joel, a Breedlove Guitars sponsored artist, gives all thanks, all praise, and all Glory to GOD, the Onelove, and all his teachers, way-showers and community family for allowing him to serve his life’s purpose by receiving and sharing this music for the betterment of ALL. Joel began playing guitar at age 15 and never truly connected to the healing power of music until 2005 when he began playing the African djembe as part of the music ministry of First Unity of St Petersburg, FL. Joel experienced music as prayer and healing medicine and never desired to publicly share it or be a part of the music business. To him, it was an internal process of healing and releasing and he resisted playing ETS for others until he was finally submitted to GOD to be a music servant minister. From then until now, he has fully realized that he would not be alive if he didn’t surrender to sharing it, and that it was always part of GODs greater plan for the evolution of his soul and for the greater good of all others. Now he is so humbled and grateful to share this medicine with himself and others as prayers of hope and celebrations of thanks to GOD for this miracle gift of life. As one fan put it, the “music really moves my heart so deeply. I was brought to tears and laughter and wanted to dance all at once.” Fans top favorite other artists include Bob Marley, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd, and as summed up by another listener, the music “awakens body, mind and soul! …and inspires connection to a greater, higher self!” This transformational music is also known to listeners as the music of Unity&Freedom, New Earth music, medicine for the planet, Sunshine medicine music, Galactic medicine music, and the music to end all war. All Glory goes to GOD, the Onelove.
ETS Present & Past Servant Guides

About ETS Galactic Earth Music

The way this music has come through over the past several years is as follows: it has been channeled from the crystal core heart of Mother Earth — in musical light activation codes, along with the message: “this music is from us and for us” … “this is the music to end all war”. Following the messages and guidance in ETS lyrics which essentially outline what has been shown to me as “the way of compassionate autonomy”, is a true way to achieve happiness in the human life, here on earth. The purpose is to help us move forward as a collective, to achieve lasting happiness, peace, balance and harmony. i.e. to realize and embody Unity&Freedom – the 2 Keys to Heaven on Earth. I am living proof and I am alive by GOD’s grace to help all others to experience true, lasting happiness in life, and to awaken individuals to their own unique gifts within their hearts!
This music comes in various ways and is fundamentally shown to me as sonic light codes of Unity&Freedom that have been awakened throughout the process of my past lives and the 50 years of this current life, and especially now during this time around – from my starting conscious mind-body practices relatively early at age 22, and serving this St Pete conscious community with various forms of UFO HEART-mind-body practices, sound healing and medicine music for the last 15 years.
This music and the messages in the lyrics have truly saved me from myself – and have allowed me to embody the full spectrum Radiant Light Body and to recreate my inner and outer reality through the transformative sacred sound current. They have saved my life, allowed me to become happy, and to help awaken and activate others toward the conceptualization-realization-embodiment of Unity&Freedom – in order to safely and freely express their own unique truths and expressions. The first example of an ETS of UFO Galactic Activation Portal to Happiness, Love & Harmony is located at Roots to Crown in St Petersburg, FL.
Although this music has primarily arrived “through me”— it is not “from me” at all- it is from allll of us, and for allll of us. This said- it has been my primary duty to “get out of the way” of the messages and allow them to remain as pure as possible- and to process and organize it and to listen to it and repeat it and to learn from it, and to live and embody it. It holds activating Galactic Earth Messages for the betterment of all: for individual and collective peace, balance, well-being, HAPPINESS, LOVE & HARMONY, Unity&Freedom, here in heaven on earth!!!
-Joel & ETS of UFO

To Book Enter The Sun:
What Fans Are Saying

Please click here for more testimonials.
Please Help ETS Record an Album!
Enter The Sun is recording an acoustic album and we are reaching out to humbly, respectfully and thankfully ask for any amount of support you are able to offer – to help us further share the message and expand the mission of UnityFreedom.Org through the music of Enter The Sun, for the betterment of All!
We’ve created a GoFundMe with more details including information about ETS, the UFO mission & a breakdown of costs we’re trying to raise.
Thank you SO much for anything you have to offer (even if it’s $1 or you simply share this post with friends). It is received with love & gratitude! 💗