The way of compassionate autonomy
Unity & Freedom is a way of the Servant-Guide to the betterment of ALL That Is. Unity & Freedom is a way of experiencing existence – Birth/Life/Death (eternal change) – here and now in Peace, Happiness, Balance & Harmony. Unity & Freedom is a way of braving, facing and overcoming Fear in order to experience the eternal, unbreakable, infinite Peace and perfection of God the OneLove, the source of All That Is – Limitless Love, Eternal Life, Ultimate Perfection, Harmony, Balance.
Unity & Freedom is a true, clear state of being that is an antidote to the two primal fears of Death (End): the masculine fear of imprisonment and the feminine fear of abandonment. The ultimate fear that is the illusory fear of death/end is like a vacillation along the infinite spectrum between the two extreme fears of imprisonment & abandonment. Eternal imprisonment is akin to absolute zero, frozen/ice, eternally bound by infinite contact in infinite directions, compressed into infinite singularity. Eternal abandonment is akin to absolute hot, chaos/fire, eternally unbound by no contact in infinite directions, dismembered infinitely.
When faced with experiencing these ultimate fears, the lens of Unity & Freedom is an evolution into a higher level of perception that allows one to truly overcome and make it through these extreme fears of death, in order to liberate in togetherness/selflessness.
Unity is attained by realizing that by giving and receiving eternal mercy to and from all, one overcomes eternal imprisonment. Freedom is attained by realizing that by giving and receiving eternal redemption to and from all, one overcomes eternal abandonment. Imprisonment is fear perception of infinite order with no way out (ultimate connection, being surrounded, no movement, no freedom). Abandonment is the fear perception of infinite disorder with no way in (ultimate disconnection, being outcasted, no order, no unity).
When the fear state of imprisonment is overcome by embodying mercy & compassion – and ultimate connection is perceived as togetherness, interconnectedness – this is the attainment of Unity. Unity is the state of integration, interconnectedness, wholeness, balanced within and without – and the feeling is like receiving and giving mercy, safety, support, protection, compassion. When the fear state of abandonment is overcome by embodying redemption & autonomy – and ultimate disconnection is perceived as release – this is the attainment of Freedom. Freedom is the state of liberation, release, movement, opportunity – and the feeling is like receiving and giving redemption, opportunity, newness, excitement, autonomy.
When one overcomes the fear of imprisonment and instead perceives Unity, and when one overcomes the fear of abandonment, and instead perceives Freedom – and brings them into balance within oneself, one has embodied the way of Unity & Freedom, the way of Peace, Happiness, Balance & Harmony.
When one embodies the way of Unity & Freedom, one embodies compassion, gratitude, forgiveness and humility.
To embody the way of Unity & Freedom is to embody the way of Compassionate Autonomy. Unity & Freedom is a perception of existence that allows one to be beyond fear and to be at eternal peace in existence (the experience of eternal change).

To embody the way of Unity & Freedom is to embody the way of Compassionate Autonomy. Unity & Freedom is a perception of existence that allows one to be beyond fear and to be at eternal peace in existence (the experience of eternal change).
The way of Unity & Freedom is non-religious though can be found throughout religion, philosophy, science, art, all forms of creation. It is the way of perceiving the OneLove in ALL That Is, the way of God (OneLove),the source of all that is, perfect Balance & Harmony.
To embody Unity & Freedom in balance is to know Harmony within change. Unity & Freedom is the flow state of interconnectedness and liberation in perfected balance.
Unity & Freedom is the nature of existence, metaphorically like water molecules moving with each other in flow, simultaneously interconnected and setting each other free.
Unity & Freedom can be perceived in the pulse of the primordial Aum (the wave created from the eternal cycling pulse of coming together and separation) that is the eternal cycling contraction (unity) and expansion (freedom) of the universe.
Jesus spoke of Unity & Freedom as the two keys to the kingdom of heaven: “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind (unite) on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose (free) on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matt. 16:14–19).
Unity & Freedom is found in the Tao as Yin (Unity) & Yang (Freedom).
Unity & Freedom is the inherent birthright for ALL.

Please enjoy this playlist where Joel elaborates on The Way of Compassionate Autonomy.
To toggle between videos, either click the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the media player, or watch directly on youtube.
Video 1:
Overview of Compassionate Autonomy (39 min)
Video 2:
Part one: Overcoming your own fear! (9 min)
Video 3:
Part two: Helping others overcome fear (8 min)
Video 4:
Part 3: The Black Hole/Gate of Fear; Arming/Facing the Dragon (17 min)
Video 5:
Part 4: ALL Life Paths are From and Return to GOD (17 min)
Video 6:
Part 5: Living by Faith (31 min)
Video 7:
Part 6: The Light Keys of HOPE (27 min)
Video 8:
Part 7: The Infinite Pulse of Love (16 min)
Video 9:
Part 8: The Global Heartbeat of Happiness, Love & Harmony (40 min)
Unity&Freedom is a way, not the only way, to remember the eternal Grace and Peace of God, the OneLove. Like infinite other paths and infinite lines of communication, Unity&Freedom is a message received from God the OneLove, in order for the liberation of all through remembering that the absolute true nature of God is eternal mercy and eternal redemption for ALL of creation.
It is the birthright for ALL. The Unity&Freedom Center of Balance & Harmony and the medicine music ministry is a path there- it is a path of re-awakening, remembering with God, a path of initiation to completion, that goes from conceptualization to realization to embodiment of the eternal Peace of God, that re-awakens the initiate to the unbroken memory of the eternal soul that is eternally unified and liberated with God, the OneLove, All That is, That which cannot be explained.
Participation in and with the center and the music ministry of Unity&Freedom offers the initiate a real pathway, an opportunity to this remembering. It is a path of remembering the eternal mercy and redemption of the soul, to remember the purpose of Life itself. Unity&Freedom is the OneLove, the path of Harmony, the purpose of Creation itself – One Infinite Love.